Parent and Educator Concerns on the Pedagogical Use of AI-Equipped Social Robots

Social robots equipped with conversational artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly common in educational settings. However, the long-term consequences of such uses remain relatively unknown due to their novelty. To ensure children’s safe use of social robots, and proper adoption of the technology, it is crucial to scrutinize potential concerns regarding their usage. This paper explores the design and development of this technology.


Francisco Perella-Holfeld, Samar Sallam, Julia Petrie, Randy Gomez, Pourang Irani, and Yumiko Sakamoto. 2024. Parent and Educator Concerns on the Pedagogical Use of AI-Equipped Social Robots. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 8, 3, Article 120 (August 2024), 34 pages.